Terms & Conditions




Established in 2018, we pride ourselves on our thriving performing arts training. Our outstanding teaching, countless performance opportunities, and ability to nurture enthusiasm and recognise and guide talent and potential are all within the framework of a happy, confidence-building environment for all ages.

Our offerings include part-time training in Acting, Singing, Musical Theatre Triple Threat Training, and a full range of Dance genres. Taylor’s Theatre School offer the very best classes alongside lots of performance opportunities.


We look forward to meeting you soon.

 Principals - Miss Stacey Taylor & Miss Julie Taylor x

•  All fees are payable strictly via CLASS FOR KIDS one month in advance.

• Fees will be taken on the 1st of every month.

•  Fees are paid over 48 weeks a year in 12 monthly equal instalments.

•   2 weeks are taken in summer holidays and 2 weeks in December. Management has the right to change the dates at any time.

•    Your child can take an additional 2 weeks for their holiday with one month's notice is required so the direct debit can be changed.

•   If your child joins midway through the month you will be required to do a bank transfer for the classes taken in advance. Details will be given upon joining.

• Rehearsal classes taken in addition to the normal weekly classes will be charged an extra cost.

•   No deductions can be made for missed classes unless the absence is due to illness and lasts for three weeks or more, a doctor's certificate is will be required.

•. We regret we cannot offer refunds for classes missed for any reason.

•     1 MONTHS NOTICE is required for pupils terminating their classes at TTA. This enables the direct debit to be cancelled or amended accordingly. If notice is given part way through a month your direct debit will be amended for the next month (eg. Notice given Wednesday 15th November your child's leaving date will be Wednesday 13th December.)

•  Pupils are expected to attend their classes punctually and regularly and to bring appropriate scripts, dance shoes, uniform and writing materials where necessary.

• All pupils must wear the correct TTA uniform and hair must be worn neatly in a bun off the face. No jewellery.

•  All pupils taking part in performances must attend rehearsals. Notice of such commitment is given as early as possible.

•  Pupils are not permitted to bring spectators to class without the prior consent of the school principals.

•    The School does not accept responsibility for any damage to loss of property or injury sustained by pupils on the School premises or at institutions or workplaces attended during training or School activities unless caused by the negligence of the School.

•  The School has the right to terminate at any time the course of tuition of any pupil whose conduct is in any way prejudicial to the good name and reputation of TTA. In such case, no further fees will be payable and all fees already paid will be forfeited. 

•  Pupils & parents have no choice in the selection of their teachers and have no right to demand a part in any production, or to challenge our Staff or Management about their creative decisions, casting or selection process for Performance.

•   Should it be necessary to close the School on account of the epidemic, national crisis, or any other circumstances over which TTA has no control, fees cannot be returned nor compensation made for the period of lessons lost.

• Uniforms are obligatory in all classes. Pupils not wearing the correct clothing are not permitted to take part in classes, auditions and other activities. Our uniform is ordered onsite.

•  Should you not wish for your child to be photographed, videoed or acknowledged on social media please advise in writing. Taylorstheatrecademy@gmail.com

•   Our principals and teachers at TTA all hold up-to-date Enhanced DBS certificates.

Please keep these terms and conditions.

Stacey & Julie x